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Paramasukha (Supreme Bliss) Chakrasamvara (Wheel Integration). Western scholars have become accustomed to call this deity Samvara or Charkrasamvara, but the Tibetans always prefer bDe-mchog, which translates the Supreme Bliss part of his name. The confusion arose perhaps because the word shamvara (not samvara) can be a synonym of paramasukha. Here we usually refer to this archetype as either Shamvara or Paramasukha-Chakrasamvara. The Supreme Bliss Wheel Integration Tantra is considered the ultimate Mother tantra, in that its literature has the most developed technology of contemplative cultivation of the clear light of freedom (shunyata-prabhasvara). The myth is that the Buddha emanated the mandala-palace and adopted this archetype deity form to teach the tantras to Shiva and Parvati on top of Mount Kailash at the headwaters of the Ganges in southwestern Tibet. Paramasukha-Chakrasamvara—Shamvara for short — is the most important archetype Buddha of the Mother tantra class of Unexcelled Yoga tantras. He purposefully resembles tantric forms of Shiva in the Indian pantheon. He is related to the Hevajra Buddha form, another important Mother tantra archetype deity. In the icons of Khara Khoto he is depicted either alone or with his consort Vajravahari. His cult was popular among the Tanguts.


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